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Park, T. H., Yoo, M., Shamoon, C., Dye, C., Hodge, S., & Rahman, A. (2017). Mitigating noise and traffic congestion through measuring, mapping, and reducing noise pollution. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5), 3801-3801.
Park, T. H., & Yoo, M. (2017). Soundmapping our World in 3D: data-Driven, community-Driven, art-Driven. 에밀레, 15, 29-37.
Park, T. H., Yoo, M., Dye, C., You, J., Buranintu, V., Rekesh, D., & Leonard, I. (2017). Urban Soundmapping at the Edge. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings (Vol. 255, No. 2, pp. 5389-5400). Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
Park, T. H., & Yoo, M. (2017). Practicable Soundmapping: JavaScript enabled Edge Compute.
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Park, T. H., & Srinivasan, S. (2016). The sound analysis toolbox (SATB). Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library.
Park, T. H., Shamoon, C., & Yoo, M. J. (2016). A Step Closer Towards Real-Time Capture of Urban Soundscapes and Noise Pollution. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings (Vol. 252, No. 1, pp. 914-923). Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
Mydlarz, C., Nacach, S., Roginska, A., Park, T. H., Rosenthal, E., & Temple, M. (2014). The implementation of mems microphones for urban sound sensing. In Audio Engineering Society Convention 137. Audio Engineering Society.
Park, T. H., You, J., Yoo, M., Lee, J. H., & Turner, J. (2014). Mining Sound Semantics: Urban Soundscape Classification. 에밀레, 12, 51-56.
Park, T. H., Lee, J. H., You, J., Yoo, M. J., & Turner, J. (2014). Towards soundscape information retrieval (SIR). In ICMC.
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Park, T. H., Turner, J., Musick, M., Lee, J. H., Jacoby, C., Mydlarz, C., & Salamon, J. (2014). Sensing Urban Soundscapes. In EDBT/ICDT Workshops (pp. 375-382).
Shamoon, C., & Park, T. H. (2014). New York City’s new noise code and NYU’s Citygram-Sound Project. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON congress and conference proceedings (Vol. 249, No. 5, pp. 2634-2640). Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
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Park, T. H., Turner, J., Jacoby, C., Marse, A., Musick, M., Kapur, A., & He, J. (2013). Locative sonification: Playing the world through citygram. In ICMC.
Park, T. H., Miller, B., Shrestha, A., Lee, S., Turner, J., & Marse, A. (2012, July). Citygram One: Visualizing Urban Acoustic Ecology. In DH (pp. 313-317).
Systems and Methods for Audio Information Environmental Analysis (US9658100B2)